Graph and Graph Search
A tutorial of what is graph,it's representation and graph search algorithms (BFS,DFS).
What is Graph and it's Types:
- Graph = (V, E)
- A Graph has Vertices(arbitary labels) connected by Edges.
#### Types of Graphs:V = set of Vertices E = set of Vertices pairs
- There are two types of Graphs:
##### 1.Undirected Graph:
##### 2.Directed Graph:- E is unordered - if (V1, V2) ∈ E ==> (V2,V1) ∈ E - if you can reach V1 from V2 then you can reach V2 from V2
- E is ordered - if (V1, V2) ∈ E =/=> (V2,V1) ∈ E - if you can reach from V1 to V2 doesn't automatically imply you can reach V1 from V2
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = nx.Graph()
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
print("Undirected Graph")
D = nx.DiGraph()
nx.draw(D, with_labels = True)
print("Directed Graph")
Represenatations of Graph:
1. Adjacency Lists:
-Using dict/hashtable to represent Graph
-Keys are the vertices and Values are it's neighbours
- Memory = O(V + E)
- Time: -to find a neighbour: O(E)
- Example in Real Life: Storing friends of a person on social media platform
2. Implicit Lists:
- Neighbours are result of function f(V)
- Analysis:
- Memory = Zero Space or No space occupied
- Time = O(f(V)) i.e dependent on time function requires
- Example in Real Life: Rubriks cube
3. Object Oriented variation:
- Each Vertex is object
- ADL: v.neighbours = list of neighbours i.e ADL[v]
- Implicit List: v.neighbours = f(V)
4. Incidence Lists:
- Edges are objects
e.a and e.b ==> edge e connects vertex 'a' with 'b'
- u.edges = list of all edge objects from u
-Memory = O(V*E + E)
-Time = to find neighbour: O(E)
Implicit lists: Example Graph
Imagine a graph in which the neighbours are defined as the multiple of Vertex
-if directed: then,multiple as well as factors are neighbours
-if undirected: then, multiple are neigbours while factors are not
def check_neighbours(V,E,directed = False):
if directed:
return (E%V == 0)
return ((E%V == 0) or (V%E == 0))
Object Oriented Variation for Graph
class GraphNode:
def __init__(self,label, directed = False):
self.neighbours = set()
self.label = label
self.directed = directed
def add_neighbours(self, node):
if not self.directed:
def print_label(self):
def print_neighbours(self):
for i in self.neighbours:
# for i in range(len(self.neighbours)):
# self.neighbours[i].print_label()
def take_input():
size = int(input())
start = int(input())
edges = int(input())
ADL = {i:[] for i in range(size)}
for i in range(edges):
x,y = list(map(int,input().split()))
return (start,ADL)
Breadth First Search:
- Find a vertex given a graph.
- In BFS, we first check all neighbours before moving on to neighbours of neighbours i.e All level 0 vertex is checked before moving on level 1
(Queue based approach)
-Step1: Define a queue -Step2: Intiliaze it with level 0 vertex or start vertex -Step3: Define a list/set to store already visited vertex -Step4: Repeat this step till queue is empty: -Step1: check all Neighbours of queue[0] -if not in visited list,add neighbour to the queue - add the edge to ADL for current node and Add edge for current neighbour -Step2: remove queue[0]
def BFS(s,ADL):
level = {s:0}
parent = {s:0}
i = 1
frontier = [s]
while frontier:
next = []
for u in frontier:
for v in ADL[u]:
if v not in level:
level[v] = i
parent[v] = u
frontier = next
i += 1
start,ADL = take_input()